Summer is synonymous with true abundance. So many cut-and-come-again annuals are at their prime now, and the more you pick, the more you get!
In June, frilly sweet peas are creating walls of colour and scent, climbing over fences, tepees and trellises. The garden roses are finally back, and they're gloriously blousy.
There is a little gap in July where focal flowers are less available: the peonies are over and so is the first flush of roses, and we patiently wait for the dahlias to make their appearance. The garden makes it up to us by offering all sorts of shapes and colours of blooms, with the addition of lovely textures brought by the grasses.
By August, the fireworks of the dahlias are in full swing, and it’s such a fun time: dinner plates, cactuses, pompoms, waterlilies and collarettes – dahlias offer so much variety, and so many blooms on one single plant! Luckily, this party will accompany us until mid Autumn.
Our palettes naturally get deeper and warmer at this time of the year and are often enriched by jewel-like fruits and vegetables.